
Python 3.9.5

Python In PATH

Windows OS

A Brain

install.bat will automatically install all required site packages

Watch Vespy Tutorial Here


Setting Vespy up is pretty easy.

First of all you will need

If you have other python versions on your machine, make sure to temporarily uninstall them to install the right python version.

! Make sure to extract the folder !

Once Python is installed on your machine and added to env PATH, you'll need to install the site packages needed to use Vespy. You can simply do that by running the file start.bat

Once the packages are installed. You can now use Vespy.

Select the options you want for your recovery file and compile.

Importable Cookies

Why Vespy creates json files with browser cookies ?

Vespy creates a json file format for the cookies so it can be imported on a empty browser using the extension Cookiebro. Importing cookies means you'll be in the user's account on every website (If the cookie isnt expired).

How to use extension ?

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